
Competition - Chemistry 3D (2.0)

It is impossible to imagine teaching chemistry without the use of models. They are essential for simplifying structures and processes as well as the interactions of chemical compounds. A model illustrates some of the characteristics of the original, but not others. That is why it is important, especially in science classes, that students build models to better understand both structure and process.

Recently the GISW held its second annual internal competition, Chemistry 3D (2.0).  Students from grades 7 through 12 had the opportunity to submit 3-dimensional models of a chemical compound or molecule. The models they built will be used by high school students to demonstrate chemical processes such as ion or salt formation or hydration during chemistry class. For middle school students (grade 7 through 9) the assignment was broadened to include  3D models in which the students could illustrate ordinary everyday substances.

In the competition, besides scientific accuracy, the models were judged on clarity, creativity and execution. Like last year, many creative ideas were submitted. In addition to the winning projects, models were built for ethane, the dissolving of sodium chloride in water, hydrogen bonds and the rusting process. The submitted models were so convincing that all of them will be used in future chemistry lessons and will be exhibited in the science building for public admiration.  

It was difficult to choose a winner, since there could be only one winner per grade level. The winners for the 2020 Chemistry 3D competition are:



GRADES 10-12


Model "Chocolate"

- Nikita O. from class 8B

Model "Washing process"

- Victoria v.C. from class 11B

Heart-felt congratulation to the winners!

Anja-Daniela Ellenrieder & Michael Lommert


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