Field Trip to the American Visionary Art Museum – Student Essays

The American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore was amazing. When we arrived, we saw a school bus outside of the museum that was covered with colorful glass, colorful tiles, and bits of mirrors.  There were also a couple of cool sculptures like a giant whirligig that was about the size of a telephone pole, a jungle gym made out of wood, and a large egg that was about the size of a door. When we went inside, I was excited to see what other sculptures they had. First, we tried kinetic sculptures that we could move by turning a dial or pushing buttons. Then we looked at a life-sized car covered in Baltimore blue glass. We also saw the famous giant pink poodle sculpture on wheels called “Fifi” that is sometimes used in parades. One sculpture was made out of colored paper plates that were shaped to look like ants, bees, and vegetables. If you pushed a button, the sculpture would turn. Next, we saw several sculptures made out of different kinds of bread. My favorite sculpture was a chef and a chicken made out of different colors of Peeps. I liked the museum because they had very creative sculptures and I had fun looking at the artwork.

Mats P. (Classroom 3a)



Der Ausflug war sehr toll! Die Klassen 3a und 3b sind nach Baltimore zum Visionary Art Museum mit dem Bus gefahren. Als wir dort angekommen waren, sahen wir gleich ein großes glitzerndes Museumsgebäude. Im Museum sahen wir moderne Kunst aus Brot, Glas, Eiern und Süßigkeiten. Es gab auch draußen Kunstwerke, wie zum Beispiel einen Bus, der aussah, als wenn er aus Diamanten gemacht wäre. Dort gab es auch eine Windmühle, die aus altem Abfall gebaut worden war. Wir sahen dort auch ein Haus, an dem ein großes Vogelnest hing. Unter dem Vogelnest gab es einen riesigen Vogel. Im Gebäude stand ein großer flauschiger rosa Hund auf einem Dreirad. Unter dem Tier gab es zwei Sitze, auf die man sich setzen kann. Jedes Jahr gibt es ein Rennen für all Dreiräder des Museums. Da müssen die Dreiräder durch Wasser, Matsch und Sand fahren. Das ist alles ziemlich verrückt!!!     


von Johann W., 3A



On Thursday 2.2.2017, grades 3a and 3b went to the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore. We drove with the school bus.

When we arrived, we saw a school bus decorated with blue glass and other things. This was because there was a blue glass factory that closed and gave the rest of their glass to the Museum.

When we went inside we saw a giant pink poodle made of nylon material. Its name was Fifi. Each year Fifi races around Baltimore through streets mud and water. Back then, the people had farting contests. They practiced for it. For example they ate a lot of beans and practiced farting. In the Museum was a machine that had 40 best farts.

Everybody had a lot of fun!


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