
First Student Makeathon at GISW

Finally, the time has come! Are you interested in technical gadgets and want to learn everything about programming and technology in order to be able to design exciting products for the future? Do you want to work on a visionary idea with a bigger, international team and experts from university and industry?

Then just sign up for the First Student Makeathon at GISW!

What is a Makeathon?

During the time frame of one year, working in three stages, 10 students from our school will have the opportunity to work with 10 students from the Gymnasium H枚chstadt (Bavaria, Germany) on the implementation of their own project ideas and discover new fields of technology with the help of impulse-giving teachers, professors and engineers. At the end of the makeathon a prototype of the innovation will be built and presented to an audience in a final event.

You still have doubts? You don't dare because you think you can't program? There are no reasons for that! Take a look at the video below and see how much fun technology can be and what is achievable with teamwork in a short period of time.


Well, are you excited now? If you are a student in the 10th-12th grades, take advantage of this great opportunity and simply register at scolopy@giswashington.org by October 20th, 2021. You can also send further questions to this address.

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