
FRIENDS: Arts & Crafts

Hello Everyone,

We hope that you all had a wonderful and restorative winter break!

We will resume our Wednesday morning Arts & Crafts group beginning next Wednesday, January 27, from 9:30-noon in the Physics 101 Room in the Science building (behind the main building near the tennis court).

Please join us for coffee, tea, snacks, and conversation while creating. We will begin with a couple of ideas for next year鈥檚 Christmas market, or you are free to explore our shelves filled with materials and see if anything inspires you.

New families are always welcome to the group - you do not need to be a member of Friends to participate.

For your safety and health, please observe the school protocol and sign in at the front desk and take your temperature before coming to the craft room.

We look forward to seeing you!

All the best,

Team of the Arts & Crafts Group

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