
"I don't like science. I love science!"

This is the motto of Jo Hecker, engineer, science journalist and author. At the invitation of the German Embassy, students from grades 3 to 6 were able to experience the famous German science entertainer live at GISW on April 29th. What fun! Can you listen to music with your ears covered and what does food sound like? How does a person become a cyborg? Can you see farts? Why do astronauts wear diapers? Can you make music with a wet shoelace? How do you turn tap water into artificial snow? Do people conduct electricity? Can you remotely control the principal of GISW?

Jo Hecker answered these and other questions in his science show, with enthusiastic participation from the children. In a subsequent workshop, the 5th graders learned the difference between magic and science and were even allowed to take two "magic tricks" home with them.

Steffi Colopy


Here are some impressions described by students from class 6a:

"The performance wasn't just a magic show - it was a science show. Mr. Hecker not only showed us cool tricks but also explained everything masterfully. There were many things that I didn't even know were possible. The show was not only educational, but also very funny. The comedy helped me understand science even better. Mr. Hecker also made everything very interactive with students and a few teachers used as test subjects.

Everyone was very impressed. I hope that this very interesting and funny scientist can come back to our school and explain many more things to us."

Henry B.


One of the topics that Mr. Hecker explained very well was how things sound different in our heads. For example, when you are eating chips, there are monster noises in your head! And why your voice always sounds weird if somebody records it. Then a classmate was turned into a cyborg for a short time.



It was a captivating and funny show. Lena, the student who was turned into a cyborg told me afterwards that it was a unique experience and that it felt like her muscles were out of her control. The part about the loudspeaker was also very fascinating. Someone who likes to listen to music a lot, I understand now how a speaker works and am thinking about buying one.

Isabella J.


I particularly liked it when Lena controlled Mr. Apsel's arm. It was also interesting to see how electricity can travel through a circle of children. For example, I learned that electricity passes better through wet things and where in our bodies the muscle is that moves our fingers. The show was very exciting, and I would love to see another one!

Theresa K.


I liked the experiment with the red light the best. I hope in the future everyone becomes red light, so they all look the same. We almost laughed our heads off at the video with the farts in the red light. My second favorite trick was the fire book.

Julian N.


I liked the fact that we were allowed to actively take part in the show. I was shocked by the experiment with the book shooting out flames at first, but when Mr. Hecker explained everything, I thought it was really cool. I'll now have a look at other "magicians" to see if I can recognize their tricks.

Jella K.

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