Message from the Election Committee

Dear Members of the German School Society Washington D.C.,


Join us in shaping the future of the German School!

For our School Society the end of a school year often means the beginning of a new term for our Board of Directors. And so it is, that we will be holding a very important election during the last Membership Meeting on Thursday, March 30, 2017: we plan to fill via vote all NINE position on the Board of Directors, among many duties, it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to care for our Society’s financial well-being. It is an important job, that carries a lot of responsibility and we are pleased that the Nominating Committee has been able to recruit candidates who will be introduced to you, the voters, in about three weeks time. We are particularly grateful to you all!

If you are also interested in joining the Board of Directors, you can still submit your candidacy: The deadline is Thursday, March 23, 2017. You can send your application to BoardElection2017@dswash.organd drop off the required 20 signatures, of eligible Members of the School Society, in a sealed envelope marked „ SEBR – WAHLAUSSCHUSS“ at the Assistant to the Board of Directors, Ms. Dubrey’s office. Please feel free to send any questions you might have to the above email address. 

We look forward to a high voter turnout and of course to seeing all of you on Thursday, March 30 at 7:00 pm at our last Membership Meeting of the school year.

Part Two, §8 - §22 detail the rules of procedure for electing Board of Directors.

Kind regards,

Your Election Committee

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