


Dear School Community,

Since we did not get a chance to see you all at our traditional NEWBEES Breakfast @ School, we would like to shout out to all the NEWBEES of this school year: NEWBEES NO MORE!

We are looking forward to seeing you and welcoming the NEWBEES of the upcoming school year in August 2020 鈥 in whatever way, shape and form it will be possible! The NEWBEES Team is working on different options right now and will share more details hopefully during the summer break.

In the meantime, we kindly ask you

  • To sign up as a Partner-Family: find out what a Partner-Family does and how to become one,
  • To spread the word about the NEWBEES: if you meet a New-Family at our school who has not yet heard about the NEWBEES, please tell them to or to contact us with any question by email: newbees@giswashington.org
  • To let us know if you have any suggestions for us to improve our initiative.


Have a wonderful summer, stay healthy and in good spirits until we see each other again!


Cordi Everett

Wiebke Seesing

Diane Feldmann

Katja B眉hler

Kathy Dooley






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