
Jugend pr盲sentiert

The competition 鈥淛ugend pr盲sentiert鈥 (Youth Presents) is a German nationwide educational initiative of the Klaus Tschira Foundation, in cooperation with Wissenschaft im Dialog (Science in Dialogue), Berlin, with the purpose of promoting presentation skills. One of the great challenges in everyday life is presenting knowledge and ideas in a comprehensible way, finding the appropriate words and to appear confident and convincing, especially when presenting a scientific topic.


Who may participate?

Since 2023, GISW has been holding a school competition in the second semester of each year, which also allows grades 4-6 to participate. The winners of the school competition from 6 th grade up automatically qualify for the next round: the German state final. Successful participation in the state finals leads to entry into the national finals. One hundred and twenty finalists will be invited to Berlin for the last presentation competition.

Participation in teams of two is also possible.

What needs to be done?

The presentation in German should conclusively answer a scientific-mathematical question which every competitor chooses for themselves.

The presentation may be in digital or analog form, as an online presentation or as an explanatory video with a speaker window. It is important that the presentation is videorecorded(cell phone or iPad camera is sufficient) and does not exceed 5 minutes.

Participation in the competition requires registration (in April) and submission of the video at end of May.

The presentation is for whom?

The audience for the presentation are classmates who have similar prior knowledge. Now it麓s time to get them excited about the topic!

What is there to win?

All participants will receive certificates and STEM points; the winners also receive cash prizes and inclusion in expert workshops to further improve their videos. Valuable help on all topics regarding the competition can be found here: