
GISW MINT SchoolSlam

What is SchoolSlam?

The SchoolSlam idea originate from a call for entries by the MINT-EC school network. In order to participate, students in groups of two to five choose a MINT topic and create a short video describing it. The submitted entries are then evaluated by a jury from GISW guided by the three C's: Content, Clarity and Charisma.

Who can participate?

Students from grades 5 to 12 at GISW in groups of 2-5 participants.

What needs to be done?

  • The group chooses a science topic to present. Teachers can help find an appropriate topic from a STEM subject.
  • Students should present their topic in an entertaining and exciting way in a 3-minute video in German or English. There are no limits to creativity: choosing the form of an experiment, a short "play", a song or poem presented in a headstand - anything is possible. However, Microsoft PowerPoints or written texts are not allowed, nor are ideas taken directly from the Internet.
  • The video must have an interesting title fitting the content and must be submitted in one of the following formats: WMA, WMV, MPEG (MPG) not exceeding 1GB in size.

What is there to win?

For sure there will be MINT chocolate and other prizes to be won. However, those other details remain a surprise.


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