
Educational institutions

For many years GISW has successfully collaborated with other educational institutions both domestically and internationally. Especially with the universities in the Washington metropolitan area whose diverse programs for students play an important role. Our students regularly visit university facilities, participate in online courses, seminars and workshops, or prepare through internships for later courses of study and professions. University professors, students, and scholars come to the school and supplement classroom instruction as part of the lecture series and through other initiatives.

Other collaborations have been developed with schools, both in the surrounding area and abroad. For example, in addition to annual student exchanges with the German School in Ecuador, our students participate in programs at American schools just as we host groups of their students who visit us.

Particularly close collaboration exists among STEM teachers of all German Schools in the U.S. Annual regional professional development sessions, ongoing collaboration with former colleagues upon their return to their home schools in Germany, and with STEM teachers from select partner schools abroad help to provide and sustain an interesting and challenging program at GISW.

Recent examples:

George Washington University:

- Annual Valve Workshop & Symposium, partnership with Dr. Nagy.

- Attention & Recognition Lab, partnership with Dr. Shomstein

  Georgetown University

  - Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging (CFMI).

  - Online Courses, partnership with Dr. Bonifaze

University of Maryland

- Near Space Initiative, partnership with Dr. Lampkin

Johns Hopkins University

- King Arthur Bread Baking Initiative

- Biotech Symposium


Collaborations with area educational institutions:

- Rockville Science Center

- KID Museum Bethesda

- Challenger Center for Space Science Education

- Goethe-Institute


Partner schools:

- German School Guayaquil, Ecuador

- Gymnasium H枚chstadt, Germany

- John F. Kennedy School Berlin, Germany